Monday, January 05, 2009

Did I mention that I knew this would happen?

Okay, I am a loser, I know. So much for the Favorite Friday update every Friday. What I meant to say was that it would updated every other Friday-ish. So, please, bear with me.

Anyway, I know that it isn't Friday, but since I have flaked on this riveting addition to our blog for the past Friday or so, I thought I would bring you a bonus installment. So, the favorite of the week this week is brought to you by me.

Hands down my favorite item on planet earth as of right now is this little treasure...

Now, if you have read previous posts about a certain someone in our home, you would know that to say the least we have our hands full. Through a series of events and much weeping and nashing of teeth, Mas now has no crib in his room, and we now have these little door handle jobers on several of our doors including but not limited to his bedroom, P's room, the pantry, etc. He forced our hand on the pantry door when he was busted on Sunday morning at 5 a.m. sitting in the kitchen floor eating Quik with a fork. Seriously.

And let me say, I was not prepared for this. I mean, he is barely 2 years old and unless a miracle of God were to happen, he's the last baby we'll have in our home, so I was hoping to keep him a "baby" a little longer. Well, he is having none of that.

So, for his safety and my sanity we are pulling out all of the baby proofing stops. It's on!


  1. what's he sleeping on? are you making him sleep on the floor?

    and, the word verification it wants me to type is "satipoti" for some reason, that made up word makes me giggle

  2. I feel your pain...Nate just learned to open doors this past week at his Nana & Pops house. When he opened the basement door and almost fell down the steps, I freaked & ran to Target to buy some of those knob lock things. I just hope they work!!

  3. I totally love those things too!! Hannah is into everything, so at least i can contain her a little with these bad boys!
