Friday, December 19, 2008

These are a few of our favorite things...

I have taken it upon myself to add a new segment to this blog of ours, that is read by tens of people daily, I'm sure. It is going to be called...drum roll please...Favorite Fridays! And each Friday I will attempt, mind you attempt, to update the blog with a current "favorite thing" of one member of our family. Please try and contain your excitement.

So, this week, we will start with P. Since the holidays are upon us and it is the season for gifts, she is making her list and checking it twice. We are really trying to grasp the concept of gratitude. Being grateful for the closet full of toys that we already have, our brother, our home...etc. You know, that life long struggle of contentment that we all struggle with in some form or another. Well, bless her, she is trying, but still oohhing and ahhing over many o' toy.

So, that brings us to P's favorite for this American Girl Doll. If you ask her at any given moment these days what she would like for Christmas, she will without a doubt say, an American Girl Doll. Not just any American Girl doll, but specifically Mia. Now mind you, not a chance under the sun this child is getting an American Girl doll because, have you seen how much these suckers cost?! But, nonetheless, shoot for the stars P!

I am so grateful for this time of year and what it means to us as children of the Father! I know it is not about the gifts but about a Savior being born to a virgin! But I am lovin' the fact that we can celebrate the birth of Jesus, and He is okay with us having our "favorites" too.

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