Monday, December 08, 2008

Terrible Two's....Seriously?

Is that it...Terrible? Is that the only word we can come up with to describe the phenomena that is the day in the life of a 2 year old? Because, here's the deal, I can think of a heck of a lot more than terrible!

I'm tellin' you, I think I'm losin' it here people. This little guy...

lets just say, he is giving me (and the Christmas ornaments as of late) a run for our money. The Christmas ornaments are another post altogether.

"I am sure this lock comes off of here somehow..."

Taking it upon himself to get his own food out of the freezer.

And, if said two year old does a lot of climbing, well, he gets a lot of these. I am certain this one's chart at the pediatrician's office says, "Check child for bruising."

That would be the digital camera in his hands and his golf club, which he has been known to hit with when he isn't given what he wants. Only out of necessity, I assure you.

This would be my good pal Ashley's makeup bag. Again, our sincerest apologies, Ash.

I think we can all see Sophie's take on the situation...bless her heart, she's a trooper.

Our latest event, I have no documented photos of for the simple reason that I am trying to erase it from my memory, but I've got one word for you, SHARPIE. Enough said.
But, honest to goodness, I love this little snot-nosed boy. He keeps us busy, but I wouldn't trade his little self for nothin'! He reminds me every day of the Father's love for us despite our "messes". This little guy is teaching me about letting go of my need for perfection because I tell ya, life with a two year old little boy is anything but perfect, but it's my life, and I'm lovin' every second of it!


  1. Oh boy, what we have to look forward to with Will! You're scaring me a little! :)

  2. I understand COMPLETELY!! Mand sometimes it can be rough! Hannah likes to get into our guests purses and wallets, but she goes straight for the money! (We taught her right! lol!) Just thought I'd let you know that your not alone!
    Becca Willis

  3. I am feelin' ya all the way on this one...don't even get me started. If I had a blog, oh my it would be only about things Jayci gets into and stupid people...Now that would be good readin'!
