Friday, June 25, 2010

goodbye 2nd grade, hello 3rd!

Somehow, someway another school year has come and gone. Here is the first and last day of 2nd grade.

We were blessed with another good teacher this year. Mrs. M has been teaching for a long time and ran a very laid back classroom. A great teacher and a great fit for Peyt. 2nd grade was good to us, and now we are ready to see what 3rd grade has to offer. We may or may not need 3rd grade to really step up big in the spelling area.

A few of the highlights from the year...

Hard to believe this August we will have a 3rd grader amongst us. Time is marching on, and I can't seem to figure out how to slow it down. Proud of our girl for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Other than looking just like her does look like she had a great time in 2nd grade.
