Monday, April 09, 2012

A Year In Review - Part 1

It has been a year since any posts were made to this Alexander Family blog.  That is not by accident, but an intentional decision.  Over the past twelve months, we have walked some very dark days.  The choice was made to 'circle the wagons' so to speak.  We made the decision to look inward as individuals, as a couple, as parents, as a family, and as friends.  And in doing so, some things had to give.  This blog being one of them.

We have learned much over the past year.  But in the learning, there has been much pain and grief.  We surrendered to the work of Jesus in us; sometimes willingly, often times not.  But this I know, we are followers of a gracious and redeeming God.  A God that can turn our mourning into dancing.  A God that makes beauty out of brokenness.  A God that breathes life into death.   

I believe that there are years for pruning and years for flowering.  You can't have one without the other.  This year has been a year of pruning for us.  And the thing about's painful.  We are hopeful for those flowers that are sure to be on the horizon.  And in the waiting, in the pruning, we choose Jesus, we choose each other, and we choose to trust. 

1 comment:

  1. Marty, I love this post even though I don't understand all of it. Ahh! Your kids are so stinkin' cute! Nearly as cute as my own. Speaking of, we are due for family pictures next month. Hint, hint.
