Thursday, November 18, 2010

Select Soccer Girl

Most weekends this fall, from August to November, you would have found the Alexanders on a soccer field somewhere. P just finished up her first season of select soccer. Practice 2-3 nights a week and then games on Saturday and/or Sundays. It was busy and hectic and sometimes downright tiring, but she loved it, and that makes it so worth it.

I am grateful for the team that P has gotten to be a part of this season. These girls love them some soccer and some fun!

It is no secret to anyone that knows us that we love sports. We are all about competition; specifically, winning competitions. We may or may not be a teeny, tiny bit competitive. But aside from the competition side of athletics, we believe that many life lessons can be learned through being on a team and competing in a sport. Dedication, commitment, hard work, being a team player, being a gracious winner and loser (although we always prefer the former), responding correctly to authority, yep, even when you don't agree, and of course the relationships that are developed between teammates--all life lessons that in one way or another you will deal with for your entire life. So, for this season of our life, we are cheerin' for our girl and loving getting to watch her experience these things.

So proud of you #3!

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