Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Louisville and TMac

A few weeks ago my friend Ashley scored six Toby Mac tickets for his winter wonder slam tour. There is a lady that goes to our church that has a connection with Toby and his band, so we got the hook-up for six tickets with pre-show meet-n-greet passes. Oh my word, Exciting!
We love us some Toby as do our hubbies and our girls. So we decided to make it a surprise for the girls and a little get-a-way for the six of us. We made the plan to not tell the girls until we were on our way to Lousiville. Do you think they were surprised?
We had our hotel booked, our tickets/passess, and every song Toby has ever mixed or thought about mixing on our ipods, and we were ready to roll!
Through an unfortunate turn of events we were not able to have our camera in the arena for the meet-n-greet. (Can I just say, that does not make for a happy Ryan) But fortunately a nice lady behind us took our pic when we got to meet Toby. Not the greatest of pics but hey, it's the best we've got, and we are just grateful to have one!

Ashley had also gotten two copies of an old, glossy press release photo of Toby for him to sign for them. We gave him a hard time about the photo's that we had for him to sign, because we had heard that he hated those pictures back when they were taken. Funny! And can I just say he was just as nice and kind in person as you would hope him to be. Ash used to work at Forefront years ago, and he remembered her! Pretty impressive for a guy that sees thousands of faces every year!
I cannot even tell you how excited these two 8 year olds (and 30 something year olds) were. Jonas brothers who? And Toby did not disappoint. Great concert! And even better to get to be there with our girls!
After the concert we got some dinner at the dive, aka Waffle House. Not my first choice for a place to eat or even my 49th choice, but I took one for the team.

The next day we had a little time to kill before heading home so we took the kids to a children's museum. We had free admission and thought we would take advantage while we had the chance.

We are not the kind of parents that will let our kids get into over-the-top infatuation with boy bands or really musicians of any kind. There is only One in our life who is worthy of worship and praise. But, on the same hand, we love music and it is a huge part of our family and our lives. We are not naive enough to believe nor do we require that all music that we listen to be 'Christian' music, but for right now we are very grateful that P's current music and musician of choice is someone that loves Jesus and is a great role model for kids. And what a time we had! We made it home with some great memories and an autographed glossy of Toby! Does it get any better? Not for P it doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. aw, takes me back. what a great time we had. Thanks for the memories!
