Monday, February 02, 2009

Words for your walls — part two

So, the next room on the wall words agenda was Maser's room. His room is still the same colors as we originally painted it before he was born, and he has a fantastic design around the top of the room that resident graphic designer hubz created and painted for him. So I was on the hunt to find something somewhat minimal that would not compete with what is already going on in there, as well as something that suits Mas and his little self. So I present to you the finished product …

And can I just say, there is currently not a more accurate statement on planet earth. Hubz put these on M's wall on Thursday night, and on Saturday afternoon when the little terror was supposed to be taking a nap, I go in to check on him, and instead of the cuteness that was on his wall it now says--M is for ief

Case and point on why these words are perfect for his room.

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