Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Ella Kate Stanley

She was known as MamaKate to us. My mother's mother. On Sunday afternoon, October the 4th, she went from this life into the presence of Jesus.

She was 84 years old. She married my Grandaddy when she was fourteen and he was eighteen. Boy, was that a different day and age. You know, when you said "I do" and it meant for life, come what may, good/bad, rich/poor, sickness/health. They would have celebrated their 70th anniversary; yep, seventy years of marriage this January. Wow! And if he's said it once, he has said it a hundred times, "If I could, I would have kept her another seventy." Their story is a true love story.

In my mind somehow they have always seemed timeless. I grew up going every summer and every Christmas to visit. They were farmers and worked very hard, very long days just to make ends meet. But they loved each other. And they were happy and content with each other and with what they had. And let me tell you, it wasn't much.

It's hard to think of her no longer being there when you walk through the front door of that house. My heart breaks for my Granddaddy and the huge void that it has left for him. He is lost without her. He is the most selfless man I have ever known. He loved her with all of his being and still does. Death is heartbreaking and grief is overwhelming at times. But I choose to celebrate that she is with the Father. I know we will see her again and for me, that makes heaven even sweeter.


  1. Miss Paulette definitely favors your grandma! I know your feelings, Marty. My beloved grandmother and grandfather are in heaven now and theirs was a relationship just like your grandparents. What a blessing to have a godly heritage!

  2. That is so sweet... made me cry! Three of my grandparents passed away over the past year... and I feel like you- it is so weird to think of going to their homes and them not being there. It's like my brain just can't figure it out.
