Thursday, May 14, 2009

A day in the life of Mason...

It is not uncommon these days for us to get asked, "What's your latest Mason story." And unfortunately, we generally have one or twelve to tell. This little guy is as destructive curious as they come. Here are a few pics of his latest antics...

this would be Ryan's stash of Coca Mocha Nut coffee mix that M decided to test drive...

this is what a hot pink sharpie looks like on a leather chair...

this is what an ipod looks like after it has been microwaved... RIP

and this....well, you do the math.

There are no pictures to document the actual destruction of the previous picture, only the aftermath. Let me tell you, it was not pretty. Lets just say the trail of tears led from our master bath through our bedroom into our kitchen through the front room and into the family room...ending on OUR LESS THAN TWO YEAR OLD SECTIONAL! not harm the child...breathe....

I try really hard for our home to be nice and clean, but still lived in. I know that it is "just stuff" and there are more important things in life than our possessions, like our children, our marriage, our big know, those kinds of things. I want my family to look forward to coming home. I never want to give my guys the impression that our house and the things in it are more important than they are.
All that being said...for goodness sakes, can we at least not have nail polish spread from here to yon? Is that too much to ask? I think not.


  1. Even though that little guy has ruined so much of our stuff … I can't help but smile at that little guy in the last picture! So cute.

  2. I laughed the whole time!! How can you get mad at that face--your house always looks great!!
