Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To help, or not to help

Mommy: Peyton, my phone is ringing. Will you bring it to me?

Peyton: (Ignores mommy.)

Mommy: Peyton, my phone?

Peyton: (Still ignoring mommy as mommy misses the phone call.)

Mommy: Peyton, I thought you were going to bring me my phone. I thought you were going to be my helper today.

Peyton: Oh, I'm not starting that until after lunch.

Okay, good to know.


  1. I love it. She is a mess. Good ole, P.

  2. lol thats awesome!! lovin' the boots too!

  3. Marty,

    This is April Caldwell. I am friends w/ Dana on Facebook and she gave me your blog site today. I just wanted to catch up and see how your family is doing. Your children are adorable! They both look like you! Sounds like they keep you busy.

    I have 3 now, Patrick is 6, Katie is 4 and Morgan is 19 months. We are still is SC.

    Anyway just wanted to say "hi" and see how you were doing.

    My email is april@menking.net if you want to chat.
