This past weekend we took P on our second annual "back to school date." This is a little tradition we started last year with her where we take a night and make it all about her and getting her ready for school. We get the school supply list, get a sitter for Mason, (to which this year she replied--YES!), and hit the town. And then we take her to eat at any restaurant of her choice. So far we are two for two with OG. I'm not gonna complain! My girl knows good eatin'!
This year's list included but not limited to:
• 24ct. #2 Pencils – Wooden unsharpened, Made in the USA
• 1 Pack 24ct. CRAYOLA Crayons
• 6 (1 per color) Folders – Heavy vinyl, 2 pockets, 3 brads/prongs (Red, Green, Blue,
Yellow, Orange, Purple)
• 2 Writing Tablets – ROSELLE 3rd Grade Primary Tablet, 3 tablets x 40 sheets per
tablet, D’Nealian 1⁄4” ruling on both sides, broken midline, red baseline, 1⁄4” skip line,
81⁄2x11” (Portrait)
• 2 MEAD Composition books for journal writing – hard cover, wide ruled (100
• FISKAR 5” Blunt Scissors
• 6ct. Glue sticks – ELMER’S clear (.77 oz)
• 1 Clipboard with flat top clasp
• 1 Plastic White Vinyl 3 Ring Binder - 1” with 2 pockets - (clear view to slip paper on
outside of cover)
• 1 PAPERMATE Pink Pearl Eraser – medium
• 1 Pack 24ct. Wedge Cap pencil tip Erasers
• 2 Tissue Boxes – KLEENEX (120 ct.)
• 1 Pencil box (vinyl with zipper)
• 4ct. SANFORD EXPO 2 Dry Erase Markers – broad tip, black
• 1 Pack CRAYOLA Markers – washable, 10 count, classic colors
• 1 Pack CRAYOLA colored pencils, 12 count
• 1 Set Water color paints
• 1 Yellow Highlighter
• 4 Red ink pens for correcting papers in class
Lookout Target and we come! Can I just say, we opted to do this deal on tax free weekend. Totally will never do that again! My word were there a lot of people out there in tax free land! As you can see a pretty extensive list, but we knocked it out for the exception of a 10 pack of washable markers. I am convinced that these are not on the market. There are 8 count washable markers, 12 count washable markers, and then a regular 10 count of markers that are apparently not washable. We opted for the 8 pack. We did have a bit of a meltdown when we had to purchase folders in specific colors, and she could not get the pinks one with the dogs on them, but we recovered.
All in all it was a success and a fun time for Ryan and me to get to spend some one on one time with just her. She really is a pleasure and a lot of fun to be with. She and I had a little photo op before we left the house. So for your viewing pleasure (or not so much)...